This Podcast will provide you with the latest human resources & financial trends whether you only do business in your home state or across the United States. You will be able to call in and talk with human resources professionals about the issues that keep you up at night, and more importantly, hear best practices from other business owners that have been in your shoes. 

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If you are interested in becoming a featured guest member on the EverythingHR Podcast, please reach out and one of our team members will get back to you with the next avaible dates. 

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Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services discusses why WorkShare is good for employers, employees, and states. WorkShare is a program that permits employers to maintain operational productivity during declines in regular business activity instead of laying off workers.
Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services walks you through the options that you have presently to offer your employees during this critical time of uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Felicia Harris offers helpful tips on both a Michigan state level and also a federal level to reassure your team that you have their back and so they know what their options are.
Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services interview Linzie Venegas, Vice President of The Ideal Group. Linzie talks with Felicia Harris as part of National Women’s Business Month.
Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services share her background and things she has learned over more than 30 years in business.
Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services interview Katie Balash, owner of Vaughan Industries, and Taryn Sulkes, President and CEO of Eagle Specialties. Katie and Taryn talk with Felicia Harris about being women in male-dominated fields, work-life balance, mentorship, and more.

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    1. Send us a landscape, high-resolution picture of you. We will crop and edit it to look like others.
    2. Provide a short bio – 50-150 words is ideal. 3. Provide a short description of the Topic you want to talk about and a Suggested Title.
    4. List your primary website URL and any social media handles so we can tag you in posts.
    5. Follow EverythingHR on LinkedIn and Twitter @EverythingHR1;
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