New Manager


Management must be effective for the success of any business. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to overlook the training and development of new managers. When you provide your managers and employees with the skills and tools they need, you will greatly boost morale and strengthen your organization.

32 Hours


Management must be effective for the success of any business. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to overlook the training and development of new managers. When you provide your managers and employees with the skills and tools they need, you will greatly boost morale and strengthen your organization.

32 Hours


What Will We Cover?
  • Identify the qualities and abilities required for effective management
  • Understand your role and responsibilities as a manager
  • Learn to transition from individual contributor to manager
  • Know how to work effectively with a multigenerational workforce
  • Understand the nuances when managing remote teams and across the matrix
  • Identify the challenges to effective performance management
  • Understand and conduct performance planning, facilitation, and evaluation
  • Practice the skill of setting goals, providing effective feedback and conducting alignment discussions
  • Know the barriers that can cause derailment and misunderstanding
  • Develop your leadership style to gain commitment from employees
  • Match your leadership style to your developmental needs and the task at hand
  • Understand the different types of delegation
  • Know the benefits and challenges of delegation
  • Recognize your comfort level with delegation
  • How to conduct an effective delegation conversation
  • Practice your delegation skills


How New Managers Will Benefit?
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your roles and responsibilities
  • Improve communication to effectively set expectations for yourself and your direct reports
  • Adapt your leadership style to meet the needs of individual team members
  • Communicate organizational goals that get results
  • Apply delegation strategies to increase productivity and motivation
  • Use effective coaching techniques to maximize your team’s performance
Class Dates and Times:
  • 4-day course runs Monday, July 24 through Thursday, July 27, 2023



Who Should Attend?

New managers, supervisors, and team leaders Cost: $2,000