Michigan Begins Pandemic-Related Unemployment Payments


The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency has continued its phased approach of implementing the recently extended federal unemployment benefit programs. Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claimants who had benefit weeks remaining on their claim as of Dec. 26, 2020, can now begin certifying their claims through their MiWAM accounts. The UIA is still in the process of programming new system changes necessary to begin additional payments for PEUC and PUA claimants who have exhausted their benefit allowance on or before Dec. 26, 2020. The target date to complete these changes for the remaining PEUC and PUA claimants is Jan. 30, 2021.

Claimants should continue to monitor their MiWAM accounts and www.michigan.gov/UIA for more updates.



Felicia G. Harris
​Principal Owner

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