Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services discuss why Workshare is good for employers, employees, and states. WorkShare is a program that permits employers to maintain operational productivity during declines in
Episode Highlights:
Employers Win
Business owners have been planning their reopen, but are concerned that
employees will not want to return to work before the Pandemic Unemployment
Assistance ends in July. By participating in WorkShare,
employers are able to retain trained employees and avoid the expense of
recruiting, hiring, and training new employees.
Employees Win
The employees who participate in the WorkShare program will be entitled to
the employer wages, smaller state unemployment benefits, and PUA. As a
result, employees will earn more wages than their state unemployment and
federal PUA benefit.
States Win
The CARES Act rewarded states for having a WorkShare program by picking up the
tab for the unemployment payment to employees, relieving the burden off each
state unemployment fund.